A mechanical parody of the Twelve Days of Christmas...
As this year seems to have turned the whole world upside down it can be difficult to easily grasp things…
Even if you aren’t much of a planner, it is wise to think ahead when preparing your vehicle for a…
While we like the relationships we’ve built with our clients, we value honoring their time, and only seeing them as…
You might think that because we own an auto repair shop that we’re immune to stress over car problems. Many…
A proactive, thought-out, budget- honoring approach to vehicle maintenance and repair is a win-win for the client and the repair…
When I hear you say, “I don’t like bringing my car to the mechanic because I don’t know when they…
If you have been a client for any amount of time, you have recognized that Andrew is a good teacher.…
Just because you aren’t driving your vehicle, doesn’t mean you don’t need to keep up with it’s care…or maybe because you aren’t…
Schools, businesses, the entire entertainment industry – including the American’s beloved national and collegiate sports teams – shut down due…