Understanding Your Auto Repair Bill: The Deal on Parts

10 years ago

Your mechanic hands you an estimate and explains what needs to be done – it’s an important repair that can’t…

Understanding Your Auto Repair Bill: Why Your Mechanic Probably Isn’t Rich

10 years ago

Meet Joseph, a veteran auto technician (aka auto mechanic), highly experienced after 20 years in the industry. Surely, Joseph is…

Understanding Your Auto Repair Bill: Why Am I Paying for Time?

10 years ago

I understand that anxiety far too well. Understanding money matters has never been my strong suit. Understanding money matters related…

Should I Price Shop for Auto Repair?

10 years ago

By price shopping, we recognize that you’ll often save money in the short-term, but we believe you might spend more…

6 Qualities to Look for in an Auto Mechanic Shop

10 years ago

Building a relationship with your mechanic is important because someone who is familiar with your vehicle, its maintenance and repair…

Should I Repair or Replace My Vehicle?

10 years ago

As vehicles age (or face expensive repairs), many people weigh repair costs against the vehicle’s worth. If the repair cost…

How Marrying A Mechanic Changed My Life

10 years ago

As a little girl I imagined marrying a business man, much like my father. As a college student I was…

Dollars & Sense: Why Do Labor & Parts Cost So Much?

10 years ago

Your stomach drops (and maybe your jaw does, too). You begin mentally calculating how much money you have in your…

Dollars & Sense: Are Free (or Cheap) Diagnostics a Myth?

10 years ago

Good thing automotive diagnostic testing and evaluation is free or at least cheap, right? Diagnostics, or the process of finding…

Dollars & Sense: Do You Really Want a Cheap Oil Change?

10 years ago

Before you run into the nearest auto shop with the lowest price, I encourage you to consider your options. Is…