One of the biggest concerns when purchasing a used vehicle is whether you are getting a good deal or not. What if the vehicle turns out to be a lemon? What if I end up having to sink a lot of money into maintenance and repairs soon after the purchase? Is it worth the purchase price?
Tag Archives: used cars
The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Used Vehicle – Part 4: Where to Buy a Used Vehicle
There are a few options as to where you can purchase a vehicle. Here are some pros and cons for each purchasing option to help you narrow your choices.
The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Used Vehicle – Part 3: Top 10 Cars that Can Take You to 300,000 miles
With so many choices of vehicles out there, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to even start. We believe that, if well maintained, all of these top ten recommended vehicles can take you to 300,000 miles or much more.
The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Used Vehicle: Part 1 – The Process of Buying a Used Vehicle
Between financial and practical considerations, buying a car is a process, and one that many people struggle with. There’s a right way and a wrong way to go about buying a used vehicle. This article starts the conversation.
Why Your Vehicle Doesn’t Need a Tune Up
Tune up is an old term irrelevant to modern vehicles in most aspects. So, when you call a shop and say you need a tune up, you are going to get a different answer depending on the shop.
How I Knew it Was Time to Replace My Vehicle
We regularly discuss whether a client should fix or replace their vehicle. Many of these clients mention its value per Kelly Blue Book (KBB) or Edmunds when making this decision. While market value comes into play when looking to buy a vehicle, it doesn’t really account for much when looking at whether keeping the vehicle and repairing it makes more financial sense.
Is This Worth Calling My Mechanic?
It’s important to know how your vehicle communicates. There are many indicators when there is a problem. Being able to describe the sights, sounds and smells that could indicate a problem helps you talk to your auto repair shop so they can have a good understanding of where they should start testing and evaluating the problem.
Is Your Mechanic Treating You Fairly?
It doesn’t matter if your mechanic is great at fixing cars if you don’t feel like you are being treated fairly. I can’t count the number of times a person, especially a woman, has come into our shop with a tale or two of feeling like they’ve been taken advantage of by an auto repair shop. There are many ways people have been treated unfairly by auto repair shops but I want to focus on what being fair should look like.
You Get What You Pay For
Quality is a value our shop strives for, but we don’t want you to take our word for it. We want you to experience it for yourself.
Is Your Mechanic Being Honest?
We understand that honesty is a big concern when it comes to auto repair. It can sometimes cost a significant amount of money for repairs and you don’t want to pay more than you have to.